Wallows - Are You Bored Yet? (合作演出:Clairo)
你覺得無聊了嗎? | 中英歌詞
Wallows - Are You Bored Yet? (
合作演出:Clairo 克萊爾·科特里爾
收錄專輯:Nothing Happens

( 官方MV ↑↑ ,官方 audio 連結 )
"What's wrong?" You've been askin' / 怎麼了? 你一直問我
But I don't have an answer / 但我沒有答案
"How come?" I'm still thinkin' / 為什麼? 我還在思考
Let's pretend to fall asleep now / 別管了我們假裝睡著就好
When we get old will we regret this? / 等我們老了我們會後悔嗎?
Too young to think about all that shit / 現在還太年輕,想這麼多也沒用
And stallin' only goes so far / 你只會一直停滯不前
When you've got a headstart / 儘管你有很好的開始
'Cause we could stay at home and watch the sunset / 我們可以就這樣待在家看落日夕陽
But I can't help from asking, "Are you bored yet?" / 但我忍不住想問: 你覺得無聊了嗎?
And if you're feelin' lonely, you should tell me / 如果你感到寂寞,你可以跟我說
Before this ends up as another memory / 才不會讓這段關係變成回憶
Will you tell the truth so I don't have to lie? / 你能不能說實話? 這樣我就不用說謊
Will you tell the truth so I don't have to lie? / 你能不能說實話? 這樣我就不用說謊
Feels like I know you my whole life / 感覺我認識你大半輩子
I can see right through your lies / 我可以輕易看穿你的謊言
I don't know where we're goin' / 我不知道我們的未來會如何
But I'd like to be by your side / 但我想陪在你身旁
If you could tell me how you're feelin' / 若你能跟我說你在想些什麼
Maybe we could get through this undefeated / 也許我們能夠擊退這個難關
Holdin' on for so long, oh / 畢竟我們已經走了好久
'Cause we could stay at home and watch the sunset / 我們可以就這樣待在家看落日夕陽
But I can't help from asking, "Are you bored yet?" / 但我忍不住想問: 你覺得無聊了嗎?
And if you're feelin' lonely, you should tell me / 如果你感到寂寞,你可以跟我說
Before this ends up as another memory / 才不會讓這段關係變成回憶
Will you tell the truth so I don't have to lie? / 你能不能說實話? 這樣我就不用說謊
Will you tell the truth so I don't have to lie? / 你能不能說實話? 這樣我就不用說謊

(歌詞翻譯 by 肥娜)
    創作者 肥娜 Feina 的頭像
    肥娜 Feina

    肥娜 Feina (●'◡'●)

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