Zendaya - Wonderful Life | from Smallfoot (2018)
美好生活 | 中英歌詞 | 動畫電影《小腳怪》原聲帶


Take a look around / 看看你的四周
And see the world we think we know / 看看這個我們自認很懂的世界
Then look closer / 再靠近點看仔細
There's more to life than meets the eye / 生活不單是你所瞥見的
A beauty to behold / 放眼望去,這世界的美麗
It's all much bigger than we know / 要比我們知道的來得更寬闊宏大
It's only just beginning to unfold / 而這僅僅是世界的一小角
So let it all unfold / 來揭開世界的全貌吧

Far beyond all reason in your mind / 遠超乎你腦裡所認知的
There's a world mysterious / 這世界充滿神秘
There for you to find / 值得你去一探究竟
All these questions / 有好多的問題
That we always have / 總是困惑著我們
All we are is curious / 我們充滿好奇心
There's nothing wrong with that / 這沒有什麼不對
So go 'round every corner / 走訪大地上各個角落
Search every part of the sky / 探索天空裡每片雲朵
'Cause a life that's full of wonder / 充滿驚奇的生活
Is a wonderful life / 才是美好的生活

Dig beneath the surface / 挖掘腳底下的土地
Find the lessons there to learn / 找尋它能帶給你的意義
And then dig deeper / 再挖得更深點
Feed your intuition / 餵飽你求知的慾望
Don't leave any stone unturned / 別放過任何一塊石頭不去翻動
Be the seeker of the truth / 做一個追尋真相的人
Listen when you hear it calling you / 仔細聽,當你聽見它在呼喚你
You know it's calling you / 你知道真相在呼喚你

Far beyond all reason in your mind / 遠超乎你腦裡所認知的
There's a world mysterious / 這世界充滿神秘
There for you to find / 值得你去一探究竟
All these questions / 有好多的問題
That we always have / 總是困惑著我們
All we are is curious / 我們充滿好奇心
There's nothing wrong with that / 這沒有什麼不對
So go 'round every corner / 走訪大地上各個角落
Search every part of the sky / 探索天空裡每片雲朵
'Cause a life that's full of wonder / 充滿驚奇的生活
Is a wonderful life / 才是美好的生活

Is a wonderful life / 這才是美好的生活
Is a wonderful life / 這才是美好的生活
Is a wonderful life / 這才是美好的生活

And the answers aren't that far away / 答案沒有那麼遙不可及
Look closer / 再看仔細一點
Look closer / 再看仔細一點
Look closer / 再看仔細一點
Look closer / 再看仔細一點

(歌詞翻譯 by 肥娜)


Channing Tatum - Perfection 查寧塔圖 - 完美無瑕 |《小腳怪》動畫原聲帶 | 中英歌詞
Rewrite The Stars 改寫星辰 | 中英歌詞 | The Greatest Showman《大娛樂家》電影原聲帶

    創作者 肥娜 Feina 的頭像
    肥娜 Feina

    肥娜 Feina (●'◡'●)

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